


まず、一つ言っておきたいのは、僕が読んだ「蒼ざめた馬」の原題は「Конь бледный」、作者はロシア革命家ボリス・サヴィンコフだ。アガサ・クリスティの同じ題名の小説と間違えないように注意してください。

『蒼ざめた馬』はボリス・サヴィンコフの自伝的な小説である。日記の形で、ある年の3月から10月までの、モスクワ総督の暗殺をめぐって、準備から結果とその影響までの出来事を語った。本を語る前に、まず作者となるサヴィンコフを語らなければならない。サヴィンコフは社会革命党のテロ組織である戦闘団の指導者、帝政ロシアの高官の暗殺と関わった。二月革命の後、暫く臨時政府に働いたが、コルニーロフ事変と関わったので、政府に解任され、社会革命党にも除名された。十月革命の後、新たな政党と武装を組織したが、共産党に鎮圧され、海外に逃亡した。ちなみに、最近、hearts of iron4という第二次世界大戦をシミュレーションするゲームのkaiserreichという架空歴史のmodに、サヴィンコフは白軍が勝利したロシアの統治者になれる。このmodのおかげで、サヴィンコフは革命の100年後再び人気になって、redditなどのネットコミュニテーでmemeになった。












1,March of the White Army — "Song of the Volunteer Students Batalion" - YouTube

(Песня Добровольцев Студенческого батальона)学生志願軍行進曲

2,Марков и марковцы - YouTube


3,Марш Дроздовского Полка [Русский, English] - YouTube


4,Марш Корниловского полка - YouTube


5,Don Cossack Choir Serge Jaroff(ドン・コサック合唱団セルゲイ・ジャーロ)のすべての曲!!!!


ちなみに、ここでの志願軍とは、南ロシアとウクライナに活動していた反共主義志願軍を指しているVolunteer Army - Wikipediaこのページを読んだら多分わかる。ドン・コサック合唱団の曲はアップルミュージックにもある。この合唱団はロシア内戦後、ソ連から逃亡したコサックからなった合唱団であり、レベルが非常に高いかつおもしろいと思う。日本の民謡「荒城の月」やアメリカ国歌やソ連の大ヒット曲「モスクワ郊外の夕べ」などのドン・コサックと似合わない曲も歌ったことがある。自分が一番好きな曲は、彼らの「カリンカ」だ。特にリフレインの

「Калинка, калинка, калинка моя!

В саду ягода малинка, малинка моя!」を何回も異なるスピードや強さでくりかえしたところが最も印象的だと思う。




 1993年のある夜に、ロシア詩人ボリス・プリメロフ(Примеров, Борис Терентьевич)は自分の新しい詩『祈り(Молитва)』にこう叫んでいた。プリメロフはソ連時代に当局の批判者として活躍していたが、ソ連が崩壊した後の地獄ごときロシアの状況を見て、自分がエリツィンに騙されて、自らの手で母なる祖国を解体させたことを気づいた。1995年、もうエリツィン政権を倒す見込みがないと思ったプリメロフを自殺した。








 遡ると、ソ連の理想主義の源は言うまでもなく、マルクス主義イデオロギーによるものだが、それだけではない。ロシアの内部には古くから伝統を重んじるスラブ派と全面的な西洋化を提唱する西欧派の紛争があった。草創期のボリシェヴィキも、その西欧派の一つとされている。彼らは西欧の前衛文化を積極的に受け入れ、自国での実現も試みた。その代表となっている、というより自分が一番好きな作品はウラジーミル・タトリンの建築デザイン(実現できなかった)第三インターナショナル記念塔(Башня Татлина)やコンスタンチン・ユオンの絵「新しき惑星(new planet)」 が挙げられる。最後、ソ連時代の前半は戦争の影響を除くと、全体的に極めて甚だしい経済成長を成し遂げたことも、理想主義の原因の一つと思う。農民の家に生まれ、技術教育を受け、そして空軍に入隊したガガーリンはやがて人類初の宇宙飛行士となった。生まれた17年後宇宙へ飛び立ったガガーリンが生活していたロシアは、彼が生まれて17前にはまだ飛行機すら珍しかった「帝国主義の鎖の最も弱い環」だった。こんな激しい成長に生活すれば、誰だって理想主義者になるんでしょう。























        The economic history of Novgorod Republic
1 introduction
 Novgorod was a duchy in northern Russia at the age of medieval, established in 1136
and lasted until in 1478 the Grand Principality of Moscow invade the republic and
annexed it into the new-born Russian nation.
Novgorod had many differences from other parts of Russia, like its republic tradition and
trading based economy. According Marxism economy theory, the unusual of Novgorod
between other duchies is mainly because of the difference of substructure, which is mainlyabout economy and way of production. And according to the Geographic determinism,we can nally regard the difference in economy into the difference of geography.
 In this report, we will base on these two theories to analyze the economic history of
Novgorod to have a better understanding of this unique nation in medieval Russia.
2 Russian geography and climate
 Russia, especially northern Russia,as the following maps showed, is lack of rainfall and heat, which is not an ideal environment for agriculture. What's more, northern Russia is covered by forests during the medieval, increasing the cost of agriculture development.

1Fig. 1: annual rainfall of Russia[1]

Fig. 2: average temperature of Russia[2]
   The city of Novgorod, which was the core of the republic, lays next to lake Ilmen
and Volkhov river. The river ow to the north into lake Ladoga and through Neva river
connect Novgorod to Baltic sea. Though the city Novgorod is located inland, different
from other merchant republics which are locating at coasts, it still has a good access to
Baltic sea, as long as the republic controls the whole area of lake Ladoga and Neva river.
This convenience given by rivers makes Novgorod a vital intersection connecting Byzan-
tine Empire, Scandinavia and Russia inland all together. Of course, Novgorodian mer-
chants took this advantage to gain their wealth through trading with different nations.
3 the economic history of Novgorod Republic
    As the last section revealed, forests and climate of Novgorod makes it lack of farmland,but provides Novgorod with one of the best hunting elds in Europe in replace. Fur wasthe main income for Novgorod.
    High prots of fur trading also drove Novgorodians to expand to other producing


Fig. 3: locator map of the Novgorod Republic[3]
area like Karelia and Ural like the locator map showed above. Novgorodians started to
invade Finn tribes even before their independence. we can nd this sort of records in
the Chronicle of Novgorod, like in A.D.1130 Vsevolod with the men of Novgorod went against the Chud people in the winter during the Feast; them he slaughtered, their dwellings he burned, and their wives and children he brought home.[4]
    This sort of bloody invasion was recorded in the Chronicle during every decades.
However, though the republic succeed in defending its valuable lands from Germen
crusaders and Sweden invaders, but it nally lost its one of most valuable fur hunting
eld Northern Dvina to Moscow at the end of the republic, which directly connected to
the fall of Novgorod.
    As we mentioned in the last section, Novgorod's superior location makes it convenience for merchants to trading between different areas. When Novgorod was just built, it was an important section on the trade route connecting Byzantine and Viking pirates of Scandinavia, which is well known as trade route from the Varangians to the Greeks.
    Vikings and Slav people brought their furs, waxes and other valuable natural goods
to exchange for Greek luxuries and books. However, since the Crusades managed to
established a new routed connecting west Europe and oriental together, and Viking's
are no more strong, this trade route nally no more important as before since 12B.C.
But before that, Novgorod did enjoy richness and prosperity from this route.
    Novgorodian merchants also tried to export their goods to western Europe by them-
selves, they've built trading house in Gotland, which was the trading center in Baltic sea.
After that, Germen merchants established Hanseatic League in the age of Mongol inva-
sion.,a trading league connected Baltic sea coast with German and England together,
Novgorod also joined this league. Novgorod soon became a vital middle man between
west Europe nations, especially German, and Russia. They sold Russian raw materials
to German and imported German made luxuries to Russian nobilities.
    The success in trading didn't solve the fatal weakness that Novgorod can't provide
enough food independently, it needs a neutral or friendly southern neighbor to import
foods in many occasions. in the Chronicle of Novgorod, it was recorded that in A.D.1215,
Novgorodian expelled their prince Yaroslav II of Vladimir because of his action of in-
creasing his power. The angry prince decide to revenge by blocking all grains heading to
Novgorod, when the city was in hunger because of crop failure. Luckily, the Novgorodian
army succeed in defeating Yaroslav and rescued the city from hunger[4, 5]. But when
    Moscow subjugated all other Russian duchies and decide to bring down Novgorod, the republic found that it has no ways to ght against Moscow, which nally leads to the
fall of Novgorod.
4 the superstructure based on Novgorodian economy
    Due to Novgorod's unique means of production, the superstructure including culture
and politics is also very different.
The richness of Novgorod made it have a more prosperous culture than other Rus-
sian duchies. A good example is that may letters written on birch barks had been
found in Novgorod, many was believed written by women, which seems incredible in
medieval since women merely receive educations during that time. Based on merchants
life oversea, famous Russian folklores like Vassily Buslayev was created[5], which is a
good represent of developed Novgorodian literature. And the chronicle of Novgorod is
also a good represent that Novgorodians had enough wealthy and spare to recored their
    Novgorod can be regarded as a republic, but its politic system is different from not
only other Russian duchies, but Italian merchant republics and Germen free cities as
well. Novgorodians do have a prince(or knyaz ) as the ruler of Novgorod in name, his
power was strictly restricted by veches (public assemblies) and archbishop was believed
as the truly power center by materials like soviet history textbooks[5].
    Prices of Novgorod can be expelled out of the town by veches anytime, many prices can only keep their seats for about a year. And veches will elect a new prince from abroad.
    Veches also have rights like the declaration of war and so on.
The reason why Novgorod had so many democratic participation in its politic system
can be regarded as two economic reasons I think.
    First, though Novgorod has conquered vast lands in northern Russia, the city of Nov-
gorod still takes the main share of republic's economic activity. Other cities like Ladoga
and Neva are mainly trade pots serving the city of Novgorod, lack of population and
economic activity. So Novgorod can still be regarded as a city-state in some way. And
just as other city states in medieval, Novgorod also developed its democratic thought
among its citizens.
    Another reason is that the trading based economy and the weakness of agriculture
makes merchants and citizens had more power than other Russian duchies when com-
pared with landlords. The powerful merchants and citizens made it impossible for any
ambitious landlords to establish his own dictatorship in this nation. But exceptions
like when Novgorod found that the Teutonic orders, Swedish and Mongolians started
to threat the independence of the republic almost the same time, the Veches allowed
Alexander Nevsky, who rescued the republic from Germen and Swedish invaders and
kept peace with Mongol, ruled the nation for third times, 20 years in total, which is very
rare in Novgorod history.
5 conclusion
    Because of the geographic condition of northern Russia,the economy of Novgorod
was mainly based on trading, especially fur trading, while its agriculture was not well-
developed. The main trading route used by Novgorodian merchants have changed from
trade route from the Varangians to the Greeks to Hanseatic -Russian trade. Driven by
the needs of fur, Novgorodians expanded their lands far away to Ural and Karelia, and
also had to defend other invaders eager for fur like Sweden and the Teutonic order. This
way of production shaped Novgorod's unique culture and politic system. However, the
weakness of agriculture nally related to the fall of Novgorod. ɹ
[1] http://www.agroatlas.ru/en/content/Climatic maps/pcpe/pcpe/index.html
[2] http://www.agroatlas.ru/en/content/Climatic maps/Temperature avg/Temperature avg/index.html
[3] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Novgorod1400.png
[4] Robert Michell and Nevill Forbes Ph.D.(translater),"The Chronicle of Novgorod
1016-1471,"Office of The Society, 1914
[5]著者 パンクラートワ 監修 三上次男 江口朴郎 『ロシア古代中世史』 東京大学出版会 1954